

What Science Has Forgotten

Many people think that science will eventually be able to explain everything that happens in nature, and that technology will be able to reproduce it. Perhaps that is so, but even then, that day lies far into the future. Probably a more likely scenario is that the further science and technology advance, the deeper the mysteries of the world will grow. Even with topics that we believe science has solved for good, when you take a closer look, you'll find that plenty of problems have slipped through the cracks or been swept under the carpet. Furthermore, these are often the issues that are closest to us and most important in our daily lives. Take hunches or intuitions or premonitions, for example. They may have rational-sounding explanations, but our gut feelings tell us something is not quite right after all. Such examples are not at all uncommon. When you think about it, there are lots of things that modern civilization has forgotten all about. Maybe the time has come to stop for a moment and try to remember. The seeds of forthcoming science and technology are impatiently waiting to be discovered among the things we have left behind.


Humankind has constantly changed the environment through the invention of tools and repeated migrations.
While in awe of the powers of nature, the desire to understand nature, and eventually control it at will, led to the birth of religion, the arts, and science.
But nature is never quite that straightforward.
We seem to have temporarily forgotten that the ones being controlled are us humans.
Lending an ear to the voice of nature and reading the behavior of the environment means above all understanding human beings.
The environment is a far vaster database than any collection of “Big Data,” a more sophisticated and delicate operating system than that of any computer.
By deciphering the “mega data” or “hyper system” of the environment, and utilizing the massive amount of analytical data we are accumulating, we ought to be able to find a way to restore the waters and the atmosphere to their proper states.
